An Outdoor-Living Room Expansion
Live Green’s project at a tucked away residence in Reisterstown involved expanding an existing porch with the addition of a 20’x20′ wet laid bluestone patio. An American Corinth Granite veneer fireplace with a bluestone mantel, flanked by matching wood storage boxes, stands as the patio’s focal point. Live Green also constructed a 17’x18′ traditional white pavilion with a vaulted, stained cedar soffit ceiling and cupola roof. We surface mounted four 4000-watt infrared heaters to header beams in the pavilion and installed a stylish ceiling fan to sculpt a comfortable outdoor living space in any season.
From one end of the property to the other, we planted a variety of colorful, eye-catching perennials and shrubs. Sunny Black-eyed Susans, violet Russian Sage, and Mexican feathergrass line the front and backyard walkways to produce a pleasant, harmonious environment. Ornamental boulders artistically placed among the foliage accent the landscape and yield a dramatic effect. Complementing the atmosphere further out in the yard, Live Green planted an evergreen screen to allow for needed seclusion and to restrict noise pollution.
Finally, a 65′ long bluestone walkway creates a grand entrance lit with LED path lights, flaring toward the driveway. With a fully decked-out, beautiful front and backyard, the homeowners of this residence are now ready to relax and entertain at their leisure.